Friday, March 7, 2008

Mad City

On Wednesday and Thursday I went on a business trip to Madison, Wisconsin for a Retailer Development Forum. Why Madison, Wisconsin you may ask?

Well, back in the summer of 2001 I did an internship for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship which is headquartered there. Madison is a really great city and I loved living there for that summer. It was nice to take a trip down memory lane and see some spots that had changed since last I remembered. I was very disappointed though that my favorite sub shop had closed down since I left.

I was going to try to see if I could meet up with the family that I stayed with, but I had a co-worker with me, plus I hadn't talked with them in a long time. I didn't want it to be weird, know what I mean?

The only bad part of the trip was that some part was broken on the plane when we were coming back and they couldn't refuel it. So our 7:25pm flight became a 1:25am flight and I didn't get home until 4:30 in the morning.

Anyway, here are some pictures and just know that these pictures do not do Madison justice as it is winter and was snowing that day.

Capitol Building
State Street. It has lots of good restaurants and shops.
Me in front of the Capitol Building.
Lake Terrace that Frank Lloyd Wright designed.
Frozen Lake Monona

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