Saturday, February 23, 2008

Little Dutch

Some pictures of me and our cat Dutch. He's been doing better since we switched him to only dry food with low protein in his diet. He doesn't like it and gets excited every time I put his water dish down because he's thinking it's wet food.

Every time I sit down on the floor like this he comes over and sits in my lap and purrs away.

Me and Dutch

That's uh...a nice crotch shot. Just focus on how cute Dutch is.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cirque Dreams - Jungle Fantasy

Last night Brianna and I went to see what we thought was a Cirque Du Soliel performance, but what turned out to be a different company with a similar name. Anyway, it was a pretty good performance, a bit lamer then Cirque Du Soliel, but still pretty good. We got to see some contoursionists from Mongolia, some strong men, a cool balancing act and some other stuff. I added a video below from the morning news here in Denver that I watch every morning. I added this because it actually has the Violinist from the show. He was incredible and was easily the best part of the music and show. He also has a similar body figure to myself. It was worth going to see and we had really good seats and afterward we went to the Cheesecake Factory which made Brianna happy.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day Dinner

On Valentine's Day Brianna and I were invited to dinner over at Coy and Hannah's house with the rest of our small group. It was a really good time, though it seems everytime we eat dinner with the small group the conversation turns south really quick and we end up with bathroom humor. Not that I don't mind that, because I still find that funny. And I know what a "Tracer" is now. The meal was good and most of the dessert was good. There were some issues with the chocolate fountain and chocolate in the Crock Pot, but there was nothing we could do about that.

Brianna and I thank God that we found a good group of friends that love the lord and love talking about bodily functions. Here are a few pics that Brianna took.

Megan cleaning one of the pans.
Laura, super excited.
Oh, the fun I could have with this picture. I'll keep it clean and not say anything.
Laura and Craig...actually a pretty nice picture.
Jordan - Chillin like a Villain....and mixing doo doo in the pan (Actually, I think it was chocolate).

Thursday, February 14, 2008


So it just occured to me this morning that I haven't seen it rain since October. Just snow. Interesting huh?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We'll give this a try

So since it started snowing back in October Brianna and I have found out something.....Toyota Camrys suck very bad in the snow. I believed Brianna about how bad they were because I saw first hand that she couldn't even make it into the garage with about a half inch of snow on the driveway. So I always made sure that when I got home, and it was snowing, that I would shovel the driveway so she could make it into the garage.

Well last week Brianna was oh so nice and told me that I could take her car to work one morning when it was snowing and she would take my All-Wheel Drive Rav4. So I set off in her Camry thinking it wouldn't be to bad. That was until I got stuck on one of the many hills around our house and couldn't make it up. So I sat there, wondering what I should do when I see a snow plow coming up the hill. I thought "Awesome, now I'll be ok." So the snow plow came up and pushed a wave of snow over the car and I was stuck even worse now. I finally waited for the cars behind me to pass and was able to drift backwards into where the plow had gone and make it up the hill.

Now the point of this story - I get to work and say to myself that there is no way it can be this bad. So I check the tires and sure enough, the tread is almost completly gone. 25,000 miles and those tires were done. Lousy Bridgestone pieces of trash. Never buy a Bridgestone tire, they super suck. I went this past Saturday and got them replaced with some nice Good Year Triple Treads that Consumer Report rated as one of the best All-Season tires in snow.

We'll get our first test with the new tires tomorrow morning when it is supposed to snow again. Hopefully these new tires will do better because Brianna and I were very close to buying a new car for her and I really don't want to do that.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Caucus and Voting

So I went my district Caucus last night and it was really interesting. I have never lived in a state that held a Caucus before, only primaries. First, there was a lot of people there. They had a room that was only supposed to fit 115 people (I know this because the fire sign was up for maximum amount of people in the room) but yet we crammed about 300 people into the room. Then they informed us that our vote really didn't matter and that the state delegates choose whomever they want to vote for. We just do a poll for the press so they know which way the state is leaning. So we did our highly scientific "secret ballot" which was me writing down Mike Huckabee on a Post-It-Note and putting it into a plastic cup that someone had just gulped down their water out of it so we could use it. Then I stood there as they counted and tallied up the votes. After that they were going to elect some county delegates, but it was about 100 degrees in there and there were mostly old people with bad gas voting so I rolled out. I think some 90 year old woman copped a feel too while I was squeezing past her.

So that was my Caucus experience. Brianna wasn't able to have the joy that I did as she had to teach a class last night. I think I will go back and try another one though. There was such a high turnout because of the race and I don't think that will happen in a non Presidential election year.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Super Tuesday

Hi All!! As many of you know Super Tuesday is coming up and a lot of our friends that read this blog live in states that will be voting.

Most probably know what is coming next, but I am hoping that you do go and vote and that you will consider Mike Huckabee. A lot of news sources aren't even counting him in polls anymore but he is still has a small shot at the upset. I know it's not likely, but something is better then nothing.

Anyway, if you don't know much about him go and check out his website -

If you like what you see and read please consider voting for him this Tuesday. I know I will be.

Matt Grace

P.S. And if you aren't going to vote for him, the Primaries are being held on Wednesday in your State.