Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Caucus and Voting

So I went my district Caucus last night and it was really interesting. I have never lived in a state that held a Caucus before, only primaries. First, there was a lot of people there. They had a room that was only supposed to fit 115 people (I know this because the fire sign was up for maximum amount of people in the room) but yet we crammed about 300 people into the room. Then they informed us that our vote really didn't matter and that the state delegates choose whomever they want to vote for. We just do a poll for the press so they know which way the state is leaning. So we did our highly scientific "secret ballot" which was me writing down Mike Huckabee on a Post-It-Note and putting it into a plastic cup that someone had just gulped down their water out of it so we could use it. Then I stood there as they counted and tallied up the votes. After that they were going to elect some county delegates, but it was about 100 degrees in there and there were mostly old people with bad gas voting so I rolled out. I think some 90 year old woman copped a feel too while I was squeezing past her.

So that was my Caucus experience. Brianna wasn't able to have the joy that I did as she had to teach a class last night. I think I will go back and try another one though. There was such a high turnout because of the race and I don't think that will happen in a non Presidential election year.


Quebecca said...

How undemocratic.

Matt & Bri said...


Anonymous said...

Did you get her number?


Matt & Bri said...

Dude, you keep leaving comments like that and I will just start rejecting them like the other one.

Anonymous said...

So that means she said "No".
